She drinks she smokes she'll even snort coke
When she's on drugs she's a real bad joke
She'll lie she'll cheat she'll even sell her diamond leash just to score
some  Hashish

She's my little drug sniffin dog
She's my little drug sniffin dog

I found her at a ** auction
I had to choose between her and a Dachshund
When I looked in her eyes I got a boner cause I knew she was a stoner

She's my little drug sniffin dog
She's my little drug sniffin dog

She hardly ever touches her dinner
Every day she's getting thinner and thinner
She's so weak she can hardly climb the stairs and I don't think she really cares
And she's shedding off all her hairs
I found her last night in the street gutter
She thought she was a jar of peanut butter
All the dogs in the hood are gone and quit when they taste her latest hit

(She's my little drug sniffin dog)4

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